Police Officer Sobriety Support Enbloc
Restoring the Lives Who Protect Ours.
Police Officer Sobriety Support Enbloc
Although police officers are selected to uphold the law, it does not make them impervious to falling under the grasp of alcohol addiction like anyone else. In fact substance use disorders are estimated to be between 20-30 % percent among police, compared to under 10 % percent among the general population. Surveys suggest that as many as 30% of those in first responder professions may be struggling with alcoholism. Jul 10, 2023 —
"Many recovery programs emphasize the importance of helping and assisting others, but for me, POSSE (Police Officer Sobriety Support Enbloc) had a profound impact on my struggle with alcohol. For years, I hid my addiction, unaware of just how severe it had become, until a fellow officer—someone who had once been in my shoes—confronted me. At the time, I was deep in denial, teetering on the brink of losing my family and everything I had worked so hard for. I reached a breaking point where I could no longer ignore the reality of my situation. I had to take responsibility for my actions and face the truth: I needed help, and I had to do something about it.
It was then that I was advised to reach out to POSSE. Taking that step was life-changing. The support and guidance I received through the program helped me turn my life around and begin the journey toward recovery."